10 Ways to Upgrade Your Apartment under $20

by Wayna | Waynaworld

Hey Luv! Today, we’re diving into some amazing apartment upgrades that won’t break the bank. 😉

I know times are rough, I know, I get it… But are you using these 10 affordable ways to upgrade your apartment for under $20? Don’t worry, I got you!

These 10 budget-friendly upgrades will get you all the way TOGETHER! 

Whether you’re looking to upgrade your rental kitchen or simply spruce up your space, these tips will have your apartment looking chic and stylish in no time. So let’s jump into these tips for rental-friendly upgrades under $20.

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Cover Table

A tablecloth can work wonders! It’s a simple and affordable way to upgrade your dining space without splurging. Perfect for renters on a budget!

Who would’ve thought that a simple tablecloth would make such a big difference! Right?

The key is to make sure that you measure your table so that the legs won’t show, because that would defeat the purpose.

If you are trying to cover the table, you don’t wanna see those ugly legs sticking out especially if they don’t coordinate the legs of your chairs.

Click on image to shop!

Coordinating napkins and place mats can also add that extra touch of elegance. Sprinkle… sprinkle… 

Books as Decor

Books aren’t just for reading; they also make great decor pieces!

Use them to add character and charm to your shelves or coffee table.

  1. Stack them vertically

  2. Stack them horizontally

  3. Use them as bookends

  4. Open the books and display the pages!

  5. Flip them around and display the pages and not the spine, for a uniform look.

Thrift stores like Goodwill or Salvation Army are great places to find budget-friendly books.

You can't go wrong with books - they're timeless!

I'll forever have all the books that I have purchased!

Tip: Having a cook book in your kitchen doesn't just help you cook, it will also help you elevate your decor!

Faux Greenery

Bring the outdoors in with faux plants. They’re perfect for adding a touch of greenery to your apartment, and the best part?

No watering required!

You can also have the option of experimenting with faux plants. Remove the faux plant and add it into a new pot and vise versa.

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Faux plants are perfect for those of us who have a “black thumbs”… say hi in the comments! Lol

Faux plants add life to any space without the maintenance.

Wallpaper Magic

I LOVE wallpaper - contact paper, wallpaper, whatever you want to call it, I love it!

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Effortlessly elevate your walls with peel-and-stick wallpaper. It’s an easy way to add personality and style to any room in your rental apartment.

And it’s not just for walls; you can use it to jazz up furniture or even the inside of a bookcase. The possibilities are endless!

Look how I made my bookcase look cohesive along with my walls using contact paper:

Gallery Wall

If you’re balling on a budget, you can create a gallery wall. This is another quick and easy way to upgrade your apartment for under $20.

Gallery walls can help you fill up a big space inexpensively. Plus, a gallery wall will allow you to show off your personality!

Mix and match frames to create a unique display of your favorite photos and artwork.

You can ask friends and family for picture frames they aren’t using.

And if you’re really on a budget you can find picture frames at the dollar tree, target, Walmart, or Ikea.

Pillow Power

Decorative pillows are game-changers!

They are amazing when it comes to sprucing up your space.

If you shop at places like Ikea, Walmart, and Target you’ll find tons of affordable options under $20.

Mix and match patterns and textures for a personalized touch.

Whatever you do definitely do not overlook a simple decorative pillow, because it can add comfort and style to your living room or bedroom.

Bring in Real Plants

If faux plants aren’t your thing, go for the real deal.

I have a few faux plants, but I do try to purchase as many real plants as possible.

Real plants freshen up the air and add that natural touch to your space.

Tip: If you are a recovering plant killer (like me), you can pick up plants like pathos or succulents - they're pretty easy to keep alive!

Corral Your Items with Trays

Trays are lifesavers when it comes to organizing clutter.

They make everything look intentional and fancy. A decorative tray is perfect for corralling clutter on coffee tables, countertops, and dressers.

Plus, you can find them in different styles to match your decor.

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For example, I have a wooden tray that’s perfect on top of my Ikea wardrobe cabinet, and in my bedroom I have a cement tray that I got from Target.

A simple tray made my nightstand feel so luxurious because of the stone finish.

So don’t overlook the small details like a tray. Okay?

Drawer Organizers

Drawer organizers are an easy way for you to upgrade your apartment on a budget. You can find plenty of organizers under $20.

And you already know what I say… Clutter ain’t cute!

I purchased a few drawer organizers from Amazon and I really love having compartments for everything that I store.

Drawer organizers are a game-changer for keeping your kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom drawers neat and tidy.

Purchase some and discover how to upgrade your rental with efficient drawer organization!

Click on image to shop

DIY Your Artwork

I mentioned a gallery wall earlier, but if you don’t like gallery walls, you can create your own large art. It’s a fun and budget-friendly way to add personality to your space.

You can literally create whatever you want, colors, textures, the whole nine.

Watch how to upgrade your rental with personalized DIY artwork here:

Ready to upgrade your rental apartment on a budget?

These cheap and easy tips will have your space looking better than ever. So go ahead, give them a try, and watch your apartment transform into a stylish oasis.


Still in need of decorating help?

There’s so much more I can share with you.

Check out this other blog on 10 BEST RENTER-FRIENDLY BATHROOM UPGRADES!


Until then…

Stay chic,